The snails are coming, the snails are coming..

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Ok I got some wonderful snails, Mystery Burgundy stripe snails and several colors of Rams horn red/orange and blue. A WEEK ago. Now I have at least 7 little snail clusters. That I can see.................., just in my Edge!

What should I do with them? Let them grow??? They are visible little dots. How long does it take to get babies.....

Will this be any problem to my tank when I get shrimp in there? How many baby snails can be in there or can I have them in there for awhile till they get big enough to pick out.

If I want to move the snail gel is it possible? They are small globs about the size of the :dance: smilie. Most of them are in the corners...:eek: Yikes
Autumnsky said:
Ok I got some wonderful snails, Mystery Burgundy stripe snails and several colors of Rams horn red/orange and blue. A WEEK ago. Now I have at least 7 little snail clusters. That I can see.................., just in my Edge!

What should I do with them? Let them grow??? They are visible little dots. How long does it take to get babies.....

Will this be any problem to my tank when I get shrimp in there? How many baby snails can be in there or can I have them in there for awhile till they get big enough to pick out.

If I want to move the snail gel is it possible? They are small globs about the size of the :dance: smilie. Most of them are in the corners...:eek: Yikes

If they're mystery snails eggs, theyll be above the water line and kind of hard. If they're fertilized, they'll hatch like 15-25 snails I believe.

Leave them or dispose of them, it is up to you!
Mystery snail eggs are large, they look kind of like a large misshapen blackberry with a different color, and as MABJ said they are above the water line. The small dot egg sacs that are clear and the size of a pea are ramshorn or pond snail eggs. If you let them grow you'll have dozens of babies in the upcoming weeks, so it's up to you whether you want to deal with that or not. They don't overtake a tank if you are careful with feeding, but it's easier to deal with them now if you decide to remove them.
Alright. I love the orange red Rams Horns I got from you Jeta so I will be hoping for some more of those. My neighbor is now into fish and snails so I will see if he wants to raise some babies and then I will have tons for my fish pond.

How cold of water temp do you think they can handle? I have a 120 gal pond and a 300W heater just to keep it from freezing. I also threw in a 100W I had laying around to last winter to keep a clear place in the ice. I will be looking for a pond deicer this summer as well (also a bigger pond!)

I am wondering if I could take a Evaporative cooler pump filter basket (looks something like a water plant pot) and slip the heater into the side, maybe the snails would go toward the warmest place and stay alive in an on the basket, lots of places to hang out on the sides???

If I put it in now it will grow lots of algae! Some snails might die but I imagine we would still have a few live. To be sure I could use one of my 3 gal huge vases and just keep an over winter snail habitat.
I've kept them down into the low 60s without any issue, they can probably go even a little colder but I've not tried it.

It's worth a shot, keep me updated I'd like to hear how it goes.
I will make sure I save an assortment in my inside tanks just to make sure...they will live. It will be a while til winter is here and gone again lol but I will make an update.
little snails everywhere

They are really small.

Ended up with some unwanted hitch hikers - bladder snails, but what I am seeing are Brownish shell baby Rams horn snails too. Very tiny, the size of pencil lead and some smaller too. This is in the 6.6 Edge.

In the tanks with the larger fish they must have been eaten, since so far I don't see babies yet.

Also a huge number of egg deposits in my Betta's 2.5 gal. in the last week But I think if tiny little snails start moving around there, he will eat them up fast!!!

What about bladder snails, good, bad for plants, I have heard bad but I don't know why, over populate?
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