Gold fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 20, 2012

My girlfriend has had a new 15 gallon gold fish tank set up in her work and has asked me to clean it out. I currently have a tropical tank and know how to take care of that.
Am not sure if gold fish are different.

The tank in her work has no filter.

Can some one please put me in the right direction??

Well they are unlike tropicals are cold water fish. And are big waste producers so I'd be looking into a filter soon to keep the water clean.
How many goldfish and what kinds are they? 15 gallons is too small for even one. They really need a filter ASAP. They produce very large amounts of waste so need heavy filtration.
Is it new as in uncycled/just setup? How many goldfish and what type?

A filter is a must here- minimum filtration of 10x the tank size but I would consider something in the 200-300gph range. Goldfish need to be properly stocked and require alot more maintenance than quite a few tropicals. As 15g is on the small side for even a single goldfish, water changes will need to be often. Some more info will help!
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