ADF pair, 1 eating/1 not

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 6, 2012
Pecos, NM
I bought a pair of ADF's the other day at a pet store in a nearby city. They came out of the same tank and came home together in the same bag. I have a 2.5 gallon kritter keeper set up for just them with fine sand substrate, a feeding plate, caves and a silk plant. They both are really scrawny and the only thing I saw for them to eat at the store was small cooked shrimps about as big as they were. I got them acclimated to their new home and let them settle for a day, then offered defrosted bloodworms with a pipette to each one. They both gobbled up a worm each. I put a couple more worms in the plate and kept an eye on them. The larger one went to the plate later on and helped itself to the juiciest looking worm and swam off, the other little guy didn't seem interested. I gently nudged it towards the plate to show it where the food was, but no interest. I took it out.
This morning I offered them each a worm again, the larger one gulped it down in a second, the smaller one snapped his up and slowly worked it down. About an hour later, he was slowly regurgitating it back up until the whole worm came back out and sunk to the bottom. I put a couple more worms and some defrosted beefheart in the plate and kept an eye on them. The larger one went and helped himself again, the smaller one doesn't show much interest. When he finally does take some food in, he seems to have a hard time swallowing it.
The water is around 75 degrees, pH is usually 7.0-7.5 year round here, no chlorine as we have natural spring water that is only UV treated. The larger one also seems more active, the little one kinda just floats up top or stands on the bottom most of the time. I have only fed them defrosted bloodworms and beefheart. No pellets. I've had ADF's before, but I've never acquired any this scrawny and tiny. I bought them from this particular pet store because he was the only one in the city that carries them and I really wanted some again.
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