27g Seahorse tank build

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 20, 2011
Ocala, Florida
I'm going to be starting seahorse build and would like any advice available. I have a 27g marineland cube that I wil be using.
Waterflow....be careful with your waterflow, horses are weak swimmers and need a smooth, slower current I believe. Other than that I will be following for updates, seahorse tanks aren't exactly common:)
I had heard that about them. So would the flow from the filter be enough water movement?
I'd imagine you're still gonna want a powerhead in the tank, but I'd prob go with a single ph and not too powerful either...you're prob best to read up on them and get some specifics from seahorse veterans
I also heard they are hard to feed, and they need live food to stay healthy.
Vinegar... Just mixe it 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar . And wash out tank good afterwards...no soaps at all
Any advice on decorations that are safe for the horses? I know they need stuff to hold onto. Opinions on fake coral?
Hey as a heads up in my seahorse tank (10g) I tried a power head and it was too much current. Feeding isn't too bad my horses eat frozen foods and once a week I give them live brine. That being said they aren't hard to feed they are just extremely slow at eating. So slow that I have to turn off the filter while they eat.
GsxrD said:
Hey as a heads up in my seahorse tank (10g) I tried a power head and it was too much current. Feeding isn't too bad my horses eat frozen foods and once a week I give them live brine. That being said they aren't hard to feed they are just extremely slow at eating. So slow that I have to turn off the filter while they eat.

Ok, cool. What kind of seahorses do you have?
I strongly suggest to NOT feed them Brine shrimp because brine shrimp have little to no nutritional value (depends if the brine shrimp is enriched or not) causing the seahorse to slowly starve but in you case because you are feeding them with other foods the sea horses should be fine but I would recommend copepods instead of brine shrimp as sea horses love copepods and copepods are good for them . Another side note is if you are feeding them frozen or live mysis shrimp every day you should have one day of fasting weekly to biweekly because of the high fat content in mysis shrimp and how it can effect their bodies negatively not fasting at all in the long run. Also during feeding tap on the glass and/or have a feeding station in you aquarium with hitching posts for your seahorses so they will associate the tapping sound and the feeding station with food so when you do feed them they have an easier time catching the food. Just ask if you need anymore help, Happy sea horsing!
Oh ya almost forgot for any new sea horsers I would suggest the Hippocampus Erectus sea horse, common names are lined sea horse and Erectus sea horse because they are relatively small fully grown about (6 inches) and are very hardy sea horse wise
I know I saw a link on how to build a hang on the back fuge. I can't find it now and I'm thinking about turning a old 30g hang on filter into one
Ok well, finally some progress. Got. A light, some live rock and a decorative rock. I put my purple sea fan in there for the seahorse to grab onto. I bought a female Hipp. Erectus and am waiting on a male from my LFS. Also bought a red scooter and a small clean up crew. I've got a marineland canister on order as well as a lid. Here are a few pics.


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