55 gallon salt Any suggestions on equipment

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 24, 2003
sayville ny
Here is what i have anything else you might suggest would be great or setup tips!!!!

1.Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter makes deionized water.
2. Aquaclear 500 Filter
3. Magnum 350 deluxe canister filter.
4. 2 Zoomed powersweep powerheads.
5. Berlin Airlift 60 protein skimmer.
6. 2 Profile 9500 dual output airpumps.
7. 1 zoo med micropump 104.
8. 60 lbs Natures Ocean Live sand
9. 2 15 lb bags instant ocean.
10. light hood is what came with tank, thinking about compacts. I want to add a few pounds of fiji live rock so any suggestions on where to get it would be greatly apreciated

11. Can i use the sand and water from my 10 gallon its been up a few months i only lost 1 fish when i first started.
The above list sounds fine but I see no mention of a heater? Since you already have a 10g gal tank, I am assuming you already have the necessary test kits as well?

The proposed set up will also depend on the tank type to some degree but not much. Will it be an FO, FOWLR or reef?

crshnbrn said:
Can i use the sand and water from my 10 gallon its been up a few months i only lost 1 fish when i first started.
If from a SW tank, the water will really be of no use in a new set up but the sand would be an excellent idea. It will strenghten the bacterial population as well as giving it a bit of a headstart on the fauna.

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