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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 12, 2010
Burlington, NC
Hi all,

Finally have started my first SW tank after many years of FW. Began with a ~30g (24X12X19), 40lb of LS, and 30lbs LR 1 month ago. Have finished my cycle (i think) with last parameters ph 8.3, NH3 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, and Nitrate 5.0 ppm.

I have removed a mechanical filter that I think was increasing my nitrate levels and began using a Remora Aqua C skimmer. I have also ordered an RO/DI unit that hopefully will come within the next week as well as calcium/phosphate test.

Lighting is AquaticLife PC with 65W 460/460nm Lamp, 65W 700nm Lamp, and 2 1W Lunar LEDs. I also have a Koralia Evolution 750 ph as well as a 9W UV sterilizer going. Temp is pretty stable at 78-79F with digital therm.

Currently I have quite a ~3-4 snails, a few hermit crabs, a few starfish that were hitchhickers on the LR. I also have some zoas, sponge, macro algae, and I think some other soft coral (will post it again in the ID forum as it has some color now). In the evening I can see quite a few pods running around on the rock and sand.

My LFS had also rec'd my start out with a few damsels after 2 weeks of the tank being setup (he said my water levels were fine then...). Since reading on the forum though I see I need to return them if I plan on adding more fish.

I have ordered through reef cleaners a small CUC as well as a macroalgae mermaid tail (couldn't resist it).

My goal eventually is to get 3-4 fish, Pep Shrimp (or cleaner shrimp/other invert), as well as a few corals down the road. The fish I was thinking of:

1) reef-safe Wrasse (six line, or Pink-Streaked)
2) Cardinal-fish (spotted?) versus Fire-fish
3) Yellow Watchman Goby versus a Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

Any thoughts on what would you add next(after i get those damsels out)? Anyone suggest another fish that would be better in this small of a tank? I know to go slow and one at a time, but wanted to get some suggestions.

Thanks in advance!



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Welcome to AA!
Big props for taking your time and making sure you did your research a head of time. Sounds like you are off on the right track.
I have never had a 6 line, but only hear good things. They would be a good addition. All the other fish you suggest are good fish, its down to personal preference on that. Just be careful with the firefish and high finned goby, they may not be compatible, they are similar looking.
It will usually take more than two weeks to cycle the tank. Read our article on cycling in the SW articles section.
Thanks for the input! I might of been a tad unclear in my first post. The aquarium has been up for about a month and now is on its 5th week. I added the two Damsels after 2 weeks (after the LFS rec'd it) which now after reading on the forum/etc does sound a bit early. My parameters have been stable though since then though.

One question though, does the addition of a small CUC (per reef cleaner's standards) add a large load on a tank? Do I need to wait a bit after that addition before adding a fish, or does 1 Wrasse + 1 small CUC = subtraction of 2 damsels as far as ammonia load.

No, a cuc adds next to no bio load. Just enough usually to keep a small colony alive. You should be fine with that swap.

How many exactly are you putting in?
I emailed John at and he rec'd a pretty strong CUC. I actually went with the slightly smaller CUC than he rec'd due to some hitchhickers that are already in the tank. I am ordering the smallest package with the free shipping!:

20 Dwarf Ceriths
8 Nassarius
8 Florida Ceriths
5 Large Nerite

He previously had rec'd:

30 Dwarf Ceriths
13 Nassarius
13 Florida Ceriths
8 Large Nerite

But since I really don't have a ton of nuisance algae so far I decided to go a tad smaller. We will see if I need to add a few more in the future. My LFS has a few CUC options that I can always supplement with. With 40lbs of LS, I have a pretty deep sandbed of about 4-5 inches.

How about the bioload of a Pep. shrimp? Do I need to treat this as a fish and introduce only one fish/shrimp at a time?

Thanks again for all the help!

Might be slightly too many, and you may see some die off in like 1-2 weeks. It all depends on if there is enough food for them. But its a good mix.
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