calcium test kit?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 3, 2010
I was recently given a frag of hard flat coral ( can't for the life of me remember the name but it's flat and kind of looks like a hard shroom) since I wasn't doing anything like this yet, I hadn't been too concerened with calcium I need to buy a new test kit? I currently have the api master salt kit...but it dosn't test for calcium...any suggestions?
API makes an "OK" calcium kit. Not the most accurate in the world (+/- 20ppm, in my experience), but is better than nothing. If you want better though, give the Salifert kit a try.

Coral kind of sounds like a Plate Coral, or Fungia. Google that and see if it doesn't look like your new friend.
I have tons of API test kits,and initially thought reagents were all the same and didnt pay attention when I first started buying the kits. Now, that I have lots of corals and understand the need to be accurate, I end up researching and buying new more trusted ones, being stuck at the end with all the API stuff that many people seem to say show wrong readings...
It is very frustrating buying tests, you never know who to freaking believe when you put all the $ spend in corals on the line...
I have a Tropic Marin Test kit for Ca and a few other things, but as stated ELOS and Salifert are good ones too. I would not waste my money on an API Ca kit, nor recommend anyone else to do the same.
Sounds like a plate to me too. Short tentacle version. Something I'd not be too concerned with supplementing calcium for. Regular water changes will be just fine.
With him saying hard I was personally thinking it was a monti cap. But they above suggestions are all good
A good salt used for water changes may be all the supplementation that is needed, but you still need a good kit to make sure that is enough.
It looks like a plate...but the guy who gave it to me called it something else....its driving me nuts not to remember!! Will go to the lfs and buy a test kit they sell the ones you guys reccomend at lfs? Also is calcium important to snails and hermit crabs? One of my hermies has a small hole in his lack of calcium the cause?
They should be able to special order something better than that for you.
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