Clowns:If and when to break up a pair

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 23, 2011
Deltona, Florida
I received my australian b&w clowns about 6 weeks ago and just recently they have started to "bicker". I figured they would work out their differences in a week or two but it's going on 3 weeks now and the little one never seems to be able to catch his breath, the big one harasses him half the day. :-(

The larger one does the laying on its side and shaking thing- this is a dominant trait, yes? How long do I give them to stop bickering before i move one to another tank? I'd love to keep them together though if possible but don't want the big one to hurt the little one.

Any insights or experiences guys? I haven't had this issue before and this is my third set of clowns.....
I would give it another week. If it is bothering you a lot you can put in a mirror into the tank to give them a break.
Thanks for the idea. I'm not sure where I would put a mirror though lol. They are still bickering though but it seems to be not as bad as it was a few days ago. They still aren't sleeping together like all my other clown pairs did though. Not sure if that is a bad sign or not...

Anyone else know what I should do with these guys? let them keep going at it or move one?

thanks in advance folks!
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