How to properly clean

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 30, 2009
a freshwater tank and filters to convert them to a saltwater setup, also i have read a few articles that say i can use the same sand in my sw as i didnt in my fw is this true ? any suggestions would be great thank you.
The bacteria is not the same. You can wash it out real good and use it but if it was me I would just buy new sand. Rinse it and put it in the tank. But if you are thinking you would carry over the same nitrifying bacteria you wont.
See that what some of the articles said that the bacteria was the same, i did think that was the caase so i figured i would ask the experts. For cleaning would the vinegar and water be ok ?
also in a 55g would how much t5ho lighting would i need to keep some low light corals if possible, heard many different anwsers on this.
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