New tank

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I've got clowns, firefish, wrasse, and tangs; although the tangs will eventually outgrow the 55g. I'm considering a goby or blenny and a cleaner shrimp too.
Ya...I have a blue and yellow tang right now. I know eventually I will need a larger tank, but they're fine right now - they are pretty small.
i suggest the same as the others, blennies, gobies, clowns, maybe a wrasse...are you going to have corals?

And yes, almost every tang requires a 6 foot tank. There are a few others that dont like kole tangs and tomini's they can do well in a 75g or bigger though
My stocking list that I currenlty have and / or getting / and or had is:

Flame Angel
(2) B/W clowns
Sixline wrasse
(3) green Chromis
Diamond Goby
Skunk Cleaner shrimp
Royal Gramma
Choose one fish and build your stock list around it.

I have a 55 and I have a lawn mower blenny, a clown, flasher wrasse and a royal gamma I also consider it completely stocked. I wanted a royal gamma and I built my stock list from that.

If you plan on a reef tank don't get an angel fish they aren't worth the risk. Don't get a fish thinking you will upgrade someday and you will have time to do it some fish need the zoom room from the beginning.
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