Newbie - Mick

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 14, 2014
Hi there, I've always been interested in aquarium set ups but from a distance and always impressed with reef aqua life. I never dreamt I down one and know absolutely nothing about them.

Then about two months ago my wife surprised me with a 330 litre tank plus most of what I needed to get started. She bought it for my 51st birthday from a friend of hers. So we refurbished the cabinet etc and cleaned everything down in readiness. I got the LFS guys to come in and set me up and fill the tank. First I bought some life rock, base rock and a few bits of dead coral. Then waited for it to go through the cycle. When all water tests were good I purchased a couple of Chromis then after a week 3 humbug damsels and a red coris wrasse. All 6 doing great. The wrasse disappears for days sometimes, I understand that normal.....I read lots so I know what's going on. At the same time I bought a euphyilla coral then a devil hand coral and both are doing very well too. The hand had polyps for the first day or so but then nothing for weeks. Then it shed a skin and the polyps are back.
Next a bought a Regal angelfish and a blue tang. This was a bit on impulse and I didn't check compatibility with the others. The dominant humbug (tank boss too I reckon) gives the Regal a bit of grief but the tang sticks up for himself. Both these seem to have settled ok and even the Regal is eating more of less from day one.
We've been amazed by the whole experience and literally spend hours sat there watching and spotting new things. This live rock is just the best, so much going and a few hitchhikers too. far so good, a few questions to help enhance my experience. Not sure if this is the right forum.....if not let me know and I'll post in the right place.
Q. I change 40 litres of water every 2 weeks (330 litre tank) is this enough?
Q. The dominant humbug keeps doing a little dance move t
Where it drives up a down, is this normal?
Q. I have a small crab (see pic below) living in a live rock crevice Good or Bad?
Q. I get a little brown algae on the glass this normal?

I've attached a few pictures below, whole tank plus general. The 4th pic is of something I can't ID any ideas?

Many thanks Mick

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Beautiful setup. From one newcomer to another, Welcome

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Unfortunately, you haven't been doing your research on your stocking, and it will be causing problems very soon.
It sounds to me as you are stocking much to fast, so is be weary and extra cautious.
Both the Regal and Tang will need to be rehomed. They need larger tanks.
For those of you on U.S. Customary, his tank is approximately 87 gallons.

Please research a fish before buying next time. Liveaquaria will be a great resource for your stocking methods.
The water changes are fine, but more wouldn't hurt.
The brown algae sounds like diatoms, don't worry.
I can't identify the crab for you, unfortunately.

If it's of approval, I'd love to ask what lighting system you are using?

Otherwise I don't see any issues, just beginner stumbles. Don't worry, everybody makes a mistake.

That regal angel will eat all those polyps eventually and will probably eat the euphyllia as well. They're by no means reef safe unless it is sps dominant. If he is eating that is a good sign but both him, the hippo and red coris will need larger tanks. Just be aware of that as they grow. The crab is a Mithrax crab of sorts an d I wouldn't worry about him to much. The damsel will always be a jerk. My best advice to you is to slow down. Nothing good happens fast in this hobby. Welcome aboard!

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