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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 7, 2011
Odes anybody know about this website? They have come real cheap frags n corals.
Did u check the site out? It looks like good deals wanted to c if anybody ordered there before.
I did. I easily drool over acan lords... Now I want to know more about the site's reputation. It'd take alot of 5 dollar frags to be worth 45 dollar over night shipping. I'm assuming that is what the shipping would be.
I made a pretty big order a while back when they had all WYSIWYG frags for $5. Overall, not bad. I had one DOA and a couple that looked bad. All of them perked up, except the DOA of course. I much prefer ordering from though. His frags are a lot bigger and healthier than the ones I got from saltcritters, and they were literally opened up in the bags while acclimating, where the ones I got from saltcritters took a good day or more to open up.
Thanks how much is shipping there? Also what corals are good after a cycled tank to start with?
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