Yellow Tang

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 22, 2012
Cambridge ON Canada
It's said that a yellow tang should be the last fish to add to your reef tank due to its aggressiveness and territorial attitude towards others.
If I get a baby yellow tang now when I only have a baby blue tang, a large clownfish and two diamond gobies, will it clash with others who will be added afterwards?
I had a yellow tang in my previous tank and it was one of the first tangs i added. I added maybe 4 or 5 other tangs and they were absolutely fine.

Yellow tangs are more agressive towards each other however they do make for an impressive shoal. Just fight for hirearchy like most tangs do.
you can have more then 1 tang i have 5 in my 125, 1 yellow and 1 scopas both from the same family. if you put them in at the same time and they are roughly the same size your fine. once they set up a territory is when they get aggressive
I've never heard that a yellow tang should be the last tang in the tang, However I have heard that the powder blue tang should be the last. Usually they say if you put tangs of different shapes they won't bother each other.
I have heard that putting larger Tangs in last is a good idea ( generally you want to add lest aggressive and/or territorial first).

My concern would be having a Blue Tang and a Yellow Tang in a 90g tank. Those both are generally suggested to be in six foot, 120g+ tanks. Your gonna have two fish that need lots of swimming space in a tank that is too small. I see that causing problems down the road as both could become stressed and/or aggressive given those surroundings.
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