10 gallon stocking...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 27, 2013
I have a fully cycled tank with 5 healthy zebra danios. I want to have some color so I was thinking one dwarf gourami. And then hopefully some dwarf cories. I know they need to be in schools of at least 3-4 and I don't want to overcrowd my already healthy fish. Open to thoughts and suggestions.
I personally would not put all of those in such a small tank.....it would be at the slightly over the max with all of the above.....but corys like to swim all over the place and are very active. Gourami need good swimming space too, and need places to hide...plants structures etc... being a 10 gallon you wouldn't be able to put a lot of structure in there, and if you did it would displace most of the water.
I may go with some all male guppies so they don't breed get some fancy or something with a lot of color, they are easy to take care of....or maybe some tetras or rasboras these two have some color not loads tho.
Im not experienced with Zebra danios but 5 of those might be enough in that tank, but im not sure. I think Dwarf Gourami's should be in a 20 gallon. Dwarf cories, may fit in their, but only with a couple, maybe. As I said I am unsure of those fish u already have stocked. But I think with the stock idea you have above, youd be fully stocked + more. Youd have to clean the tank a lot! And since you would be overstocked the gourami's might get aggressive or nip at other fish's fins as I heard they can get that way.

But as Cloudhp8 stated, guppies, endlers livebearers, maybe some tetras would work. Those are schooling fish and I love tetra's color. You can find some pretty guppies and livebearers.
Would the guppies be alright with the danios? The danios are so energetic, and I wouldn't want them to be nippy. I like guppies, so if they don't bother each other I'd be all for it.
And I like the tetra idea as well. How many of the tetras or guppies could be added pretty safely.
since you have 5 danios I would say either 6-10 guppies and/or livebearer's or 6-10 tetras.
I have a fully cycled tank with 5 healthy zebra danios. I want to have some color so I was thinking one dwarf gourami. And then hopefully some dwarf cories. I know they need to be in schools of at least 3-4 and I don't want to overcrowd my already healthy fish. Open to thoughts and suggestions.

In my opinion I wouldn't get the gourami, because they can be aggressive towards other fish if overcrowded. Plus they can grow about 1.5inch to 2inch. I would recommend ya get 6 Neon tetras, and 1 Dwarf Corie. Your pretty much pushing it with 5 zebras, 6 Neon Tetras, and 1 Dwarf Corie. Anyways I wouldn't recommend going over 10 fish for a 10g tank.
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