75 Gallon Stocklist Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA
I have a seventy five gallon that I'm looking to do freshwater in. I'd have to check with my dad for saltwater, and then I'd post in saltwater. But for now, what are some large and colorful fish that would go well in either a community tank or a species only tank? Thanks for your help in advance.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
How big is "large"?

How about Roseline sharks/redline barbs. They do well in my barb community, are ~4", school and have amazing colours. I think they get up to about 6" which means I need a new bigger tank soon!

(Am I going to get in trouble for suggesting them to everyone who wants a bigger, colourful, community fish? ;))
Okay, scrap large. How about just any colorful, not very common fish. Or even some common fish that you've found as charming.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
I LOVE rainbow sharks, just an idea. If your looking for colorful, and are willing to do the maintenance work and have the $... Some discus
I'll have to do some research. Any one have any idea how I can try to talk my dad into going with saltwater?

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
I've heard that discus are really hard to care for though, and I it's at my dads, I won't be there all the time. I guess dad could care for it, but... I don't know.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
I personally love rummy nose and serape tetras which are scrappy and tolerate less than perfect conditions... Bolivian Rams are great as a pair of show fish... The idea would be to get a large schoal of maybe 20 rummy nose for the pure beauty... 7-11 serape tetras for scale and 3 Bolivian rams for personality... Throw a ton of plants and rocks in there and maybe 20 or so ottos for algae duty and you have a totally South American (swords, hairgrass, camboba for biotope authenticity) beautiful colorfu tank... Ta da
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