AngelPlus active filter & snails help

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 26, 2012
Central Minnesota
I got my filter from AngelPlus on Saturday and as I cut it in half to put in my filter (half is in my filter and half is at the bottom of my tank) I was picking out snail after snail embedded in it. They are so small! Anyway, I think I got them out of the part I put inside my filter between the sponge and bio bag but was curious if there are still snails in there if it will be okay?? I didn't even think about that til now...
Are you fishless cycling or do you have fish? If you're adding ammonia the snails won't like it. You could kill them if you don't want them or put them into a small container, something with a lid and punch holes in it for air, maybe a plant or decor to cling onto and change the water in the container every couple of days (use dechlorinator). Put the container near some sun so the water doesn't get too cold. Add a flake or two of fish food every few days. I've never done this (I've had to QT snails when treating fish so the snails wouldn't get medicated) but I had them in a heated 5 gal tank with an air stone but I'm assuming the container should work.
I am fishless cycling with ammonia. I have an aquaclear 110 and I put the active filter from angel plus between my sponge and bio bag. Will I have snails thru ought my filter where I will have to replace all my media and clean my filter? I don't care to have snails. I was picking them out of the filter the best I could so most went down the drain. If I end up with some that's fine. I'm worried about my filter. :(
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