Beginning a new 20 Gal Long Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 3, 2006
Morris, IL
I am in the process of starting my first tank. I have water into the tank with 4 mix sized fake plants and a good size rock(don't know what exactly it's called) for the fish to live with. I am running a Aquaclear 30 power filter and Stealth Heater 100 Watt. I also have a Python for water changes and Prime to add when I do water changes.

I know I need to still get a test kit, but what do people recommend? I am getting the impression from reading the forum, get kits not just strips. Also, I was thinking about adding 1-2 fish to help cycle the tank instead of a fishless cycle, but also, what do people recommend?

I am still in the process of reading the Common Newbie Pitfall and other topics. Thanks in advance for all the help.
Well, as MANY people on the forum will say, do not cycle with fish. I know that it can be tempting at times because it is more exciting to look at fish then decaying seafood but it is not good for the fish and could end up killing them. Yes, get the liquid reagent kit, many people suggest the Aquarium Pharmacuticals master test kit.

Take it slow and it will be worth it. DO NOT RUSH!

Someone may ask you where you got the rock from, some rocks are not good for tanks. I don't know much about that though.

P.S. WELCOME TO AA :mrgreen: :fadein: :Fade-color :crazyeyes: :black: :D etc...
Go the fishless cycle route. It will save you a LOT of water changes and a lot of testing. If you use the pure ammonia method it is faster than the decaying shrimp or fish food. It may be hard to look at an empty tank for a few weeks, but it is better than doing a water change every night or every other.

I recommend the AP Master Test Kit.

Welcome to AA!
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