GBR's in a 30 gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 27, 2009
What is the ideal setup for the # of gbr's for a 30 gal. Also, should they be paired m/f or should the ratio be more like 1m-3f.

Probly throw in some glowlights too.

Two sexed pairs will be perfect. No more unless you have MANY more i.e. you are using it for a growout tank. For a community tank you can safely do 2 males and 2 females. Avoid ratios other than one to one of males to females otherwise you will encounter problems. Rams generally pair for life. Sometimes they will spawn with different partners when they are younger and occasionally, though pretty rare, you will end up with a trio where a male mates with two females.
I have five ramirez dwarfs in my 30 gallon set up one male and five females, i read that as males get older they will form a harem of females and will breed with all of them.

1 + 5 = 5? Do you have 5 total or 6 total? Either way, I don't advise this setup.

Microgeophagus ramirezi aren't harem spawners as I already mentioned. This is one of the reasons they were removed from the genus "Apistogramma" into a new genus "Microgeophagus". Another dissimilarity from apistos is that rams tend to dig in pits to lay eggs or lay on flat surfaces, whereas apistos spawn on roofs of caves.
Most likely he'll pair with one. When this happens he may be interested in the other females, however the female that he has paired with will attack any females that approach her territory and will try to prevent him from spawning with other females. The male won't be too interested as long as she continues to spawn. If he senses that she isn't a good mate either because of illness, unsuccessful spawns, or another female becoming the dominant female in the tank he will leave her and pair with the dominant female.
if you are going to get two pairs. try to pick the ones that seem to be already paired up in the tank, that you buy from, this would be the best way to keep the peace when you bring them home. we dont want both males liking one girl and having one girl pissed at the other girl because she's getting all the guys, if you know where im coming from.
It's almost always that the females pick the males with rams. Males aren't going to avoid spawning if given the chance. If there is a lone female and a lone male chances are they will pair if she is accepting of him. Chances of them pairing are also better when there are more pairs already established in the tank. It's like "competition".
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