Nitrites won't go down?!

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how much longer do you guys think it will be until my tank is cycled?!

There isnt a 'set' time frame for tanks to cycle. Fish-in, this can take 4-8wks or longer. Adding some cycled media will help to speed up the process. Have some patience in the meantime & stay on top of your water changes to limit your fish's exposure to toxins. Please dont hesitate to ask questions! :)
i did two back to back 50 percent water changes..nitrites are at about .25
It's fine to rinse new 'out if the bag' bio media in tap water but after it's been in any filter it should only be rinsed in tank water, even if it looks grungy. Tap water will obliterate the bacteria on the media and force a recycle unless you have plenty of other bio media somewhere else in the system.
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