Rookie Advice-2217 Eheim too strong for 90g tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 28, 2008
Peoria, Illinois
Hello everyone. I have a 90 gallon freshwater tank with an Eheim 2217. is this too powerful? I have quite a current. I dont have any angels, just typical community fish.

Do you think the 2217 is ok? it's meant for tanks up to 160 gallons. I mean...are my fish miserable with too much current or are they cool with it? Laugh...kind of a silly question huh?

Thanks alot.
That's fine, many people use and recommend 2x 2217's on 90G tanks.

A good quick rule of thumb is to cut in 1/2 the manufacturers recommended tank size and you should be OK. Eheim tends to have decent flow numbers compared to what they state compared to other manufacturers that have vastly overstated flow numbers
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