Stocking ideas

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 4, 2014
I have a 30 gallon with live plants and need some ideas for stocking
I was thinking
• 3 black angels
• 8 red eye tetra
• 2 German blue rams
• 1 albino longfin bristle nose
• 1 Botia loach
Alright, the tetras should be fine. Angel fish are aggressive and with 3, 2 could pair off and will bully the other to death and would possibly bully every thing in the tank if they do breed. Loaches are social and need to be in a school if 4 min but 6 is more preferable. I would skip the loaches totally because the rams could breed and claim the bottom tank as there territory. I would boost the angel fish down to 1.
+1 I agree. 3 angels is way too much for a 30g and aggression can be an issue when dealing with multiple, unless you buy them as a mated pair. Just getting 1 would work better. I also agree that you should not get 1 loach. They need to be in groups of at least 6, and most can get to be at least 6 inches long.
The only thing I would add is to maybe reconsider the BN pleco. At their adult size they are pooping machines and create an enormous amount of waste compared to other fish. Knowing that rams are very sensitive to nitrates this might be a problem.
How about this:

1 black angel
1 pearl gourami
8 red eye tetra or 15 neon tetra
6 Cory cats
Sounds good to me as well but maybe there could be some aggression from the angels to the neons?
No groumais either, pearls get 6in, are aggressive and will fight with the angel probably. Adult angels do hunt neon tetras in the wild, so it might eat them when full grown also
Sounds good to me as well but maybe there could be some aggression from the angels to the neons?

I have 2 Angels in my 55 Gal Community with neons and guppies as well as platys etc. The angels leave all my fish alone. They bully each other once in a great while but never my smaller fish. I think it would be fine with just one Angel and the neons
I had 2 Angels in a peaceful community tank & when they got older all was fine except at feeding time & then they would body slam the other fish. Sooo... Now they have their own tank. My BFF , who used to work at a pet store, told me'angels are cichlids, they ll get aggressive'. Hate it that she s almost always right!
I had 2 Angels in a peaceful community tank & when they got older all was fine except at feeding time & then they would body slam the other fish. Sooo... Now they have their own tank. My BFF , who used to work at a pet store, told me'angels are cichlids, they ll get aggressive'. Hate it that she s almost always right!

Yep they are cichlids, and so they are semi aggressive fish. I think you get more aggression with them when housing more than one together, and in smaller spaces. At least in my experience. Ive had both my angels for a couple years now and in a 55 gal environment they do great, even at feeding time. Looking at my tank now and see both angels swimming within close proximity of my neon school.
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