Button polyp sticking tongue out?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 23, 2004
OK one of my button polyps has suddenly starting sending out some kind of tentacle from its mouth. The tentacle has gotten to about 2 inches long in the space of minutes. I don't even know if it's a tentacle or what but it looks like a mini nylon stocking. It's now over 3 inches in the time it took to write this.

What's going on??
Well I had to intervene since the tentacle got to within an inch of my sarcophyton - which is 8 inches away.

Is the button trying to attack the toadstool? It's already sending out another tentacle :roll:

I've never read anything about button polyps doing this!
No cam unfortunately.. I'm still undecided if this is some kind of aggression or merely waste being expelled, but one of the polyps on that side is definitely a brighter green and it's central slit is bulging out like it's poised to attack 8O

Anyone know if they do this to sting or excrete waste?
I have polyps as well but have not seen what you have described is why I asked about a picture so could see it. I could do some research on it if I knew what I was looking for.I will try anyway with out a picture
I more thing to add.I personaly would treat it as a threat and move it away from others until you find out for sure what is going on with it.
I havent seen my Polyps do that, but i have seen my Candy Cane and Frogspawn do it when they were stressed out. The expelled their algea (bleached) out on me pretty bad. You should check all your water parameters.
Water seems fine.. everything is back to normal again so I'm not really sure what that was all about. I'll keep an eye on them over the next few days and see if I spot any little snails or anything amongst the polyps. I doubt it had anything to do with the toadstool since it's so far away, it was probably just the current making it look like the stringy substance was going towards it.
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