Does my fish have ich?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 25, 2010
Edmonton Alberta
so for the past 2 weeks i've been noticing one of my fish getting white spots randomly on its body....

they seem to appear randomly on its body and last only about a day or so. then it gets new ones the day after.

he's not rubbing against any rocks, but he is hiding a lot every time i walk by the tank.

he does come out when i feed him and eats like crazy, almost doesnt let any of the other fish get any.

..... also, my clown fish seem to be just fine (not stressed or showing white spots)
I think it might be just "Sand" on it. Where does it sleep?
thats what i thought. it either looks like sand or a micro bubble.

he sleeps in a cave under a rock.... but not near the sand
IMO it is ich. The parasite is like sugar crystals on the body of the fish. The parasite will gourge itself and then release to the substrate. Soon over 200 little ones will come from each parasite and the cycle continues with a greater vengence. Read these to learn more. Also moving this to the SW sick fish forum.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: A Quarantine Tank for Everything by Steven Pro -

Marine Ich/Cryptocaryon irritans - A Discussion of this Parasite and the Treatment Options Available, Part I by Steven Pro -

Marine Ich/Cryptocaryon irritans - A Discussion of this Parasite and the Treatment Options Available, Part II by Steven Pro -
its been going on for 2 weeks now and it happens so randomly.

and the fish shows no symptoms other than a couple white spots that disappear after a few hours and then could go a couple days with nothing and then comes back as few spots
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