Help! New Fish Dying

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 28, 2013
Marina Del Rey, CA
Hi, folks

I've been having problems lately with my aquarium. I lost several fish already. They seem to die within 3-4 days of being added to the tank. It's been happening a lot lately.
I thought it was Ich but they do not show Ich symptoms and I have been told by couple LFS owners that Ich takes longer to kill fish and symptoms are more visible. I traded in my more expensive stock for store credit in fear of losing it.
Right now I have two skunk clowns and a blue spotted watchman goby. The goby is ok but one of the skunks looks like he is about to die.
About tank:
40 gallon breeder.
Reef octopus BH100 skimmer
About 1000 gallons per hour between powerhead and aquaclear 50.
41 lbs of live rock
40 lbs of live sand
Nitrate: 10
PH: 8.2
KH: 10
Below is the picture of the sick clown. He was added 4 days ago.
They were eating fine yesterday. Haven't fed them today yet.

Were you testing after you added the new fish? What was the stock list? All I can think of is that you were at your max stocking and adding new ones was too much for your filtration to take? Maybe?
Were you testing after you added the new fish? What was the stock list? All I can think of is that you were at your max stocking and adding new ones was too much for your filtration to take? Maybe?

I did test quite a lot before and after. Everything always checked out fine. Salinity is 1024 and temp is 78 degrees. I had a leopard wrasse, two ocellaris clowns, flame back angel and the goby. Lost the angel and one of the clowns. I took the surviving ocellaris and the leopard wrasse to my LFS for store credit.
Ocellaris was last fish to die and I waited a week before adding the skunk clowns hoping water would stabilize.
So stock levels have been light lately for a 40 gallon aquarium. I see most people have as much stock in their 12-29 gallon cubes.
Hmm, is there any way contaminates could have made their way into the tank? From your hands (or someone else's?)

Well, one LFS thought what you are thinking and advised me to use a filtration pad pictured below. Another LFS countered the thought by saying if there was chemical contamination then corals would stay closed up. Corals are doing fine. I'm going to run the filtration pad regardless. Can't hurt.
I personally wear latex gloves that are supposed to be safe and can't think of any contamination.
Better photo of sick fish. He is trying. I'm surprised he has made it this far. I thought he would be dead by now. Is it dangerous to other fish to leave him in the aquarium?

Have u considered old tank syndrome?
Many fish seem to die in days after adding to your tank. While ur current fish have adapted to ur water conditions. But they are in for a short life span. Suffering in the mean time.
Have u considered old tank syndrome?
Many fish seem to die in days after adding to your tank. While ur current fish have adapted to ur water conditions. But they are in for a short life span. Suffering in the mean time.

Thanks. I doubt it. Water params have been consistent. Plus tank is not so old.
If it isn't a contanimate (and it sounds like it isn't) then there is a water quality parameter that is probably still off. Generally corals will close up with ammonia or phosphate levels too high long before it kills fish, thats why some thought contaminates. Do some water changes again and move cautiously. No "fancy" fish for a while. Watch the snails and shrimp to see if they are doing okay then add something inexpensive and hardy. Be very cautious that you don't add fish that will stress out in your system.
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If it isn't a contanimate (and it sounds like it isn't) then there is a water quality parameter that is probably still off. Generally corals will close up with ammonia or phosphate levels too high long before it kills fish, thats why some though contaminates. Do some water changes again and move cautiously. No "fancy" fish for a while. Watch the snails and shrimp to see if they are doing okay then add something inexpensive and hardy. Be very cautious that you don't add fish that will stress out in your system.

Yeah no fish for a while. May be a green Chromis or maroon clownfish in 2-4 weeks. Some people I talked to think it could be oxygen problem but I have a protein skimmer and HOB filter that produces bubbles. If the new fish dies again I plan on running the tank fishless in case there's a parasite that's killing them.
This experience has been discouraging and costly but I am not ready to give up the hobby.
I can't tell much. His color doesn't look good, but that might be the picture. I am at a loss to help much more. Poor little guy. If I was closer I would come get him and give you a chance to sort things out.
I can't tell much. His color doesn't look good, but that might be the picture. I am at a loss to help much more. Poor little guy. If I was closer I would come get him and give you a chance to sort things out.

Thanks. I hope he makes it. He's pretty funny but attacks my cleaner shrimp whenever the latter wants to clean him.
How long has this tank been up and running? That Goby looks bad off, I hope he pulls though, it could be the lighting.

Do you have water movement? Power heads, and what kind of filtration are you using? Please post a picture of the whole tank! Thanks!
How long has this tank been up and running? That Goby looks bad off, I hope he pulls though, it could be the lighting.

Do you have water movement? Power heads, and what kind of filtration are you using? Please post a picture of the whole tank! Thanks!

I upgraded from a 27 gallon to this 40 gallon breeder 2 months ago. 27 gallon ran for 2-3 months prior to that. Filtration is described in the first post. Here's a pic. Thanks.

Something's definitely killing my fish. I just added a filtration pad. LFS suggested I run it for 3 days and then add a fish to see if problem is gone.
It looks good, but I just can't really see a huge issue. Maybe a better filter? I use the Fluval 206, that seems to work out well.

I would suggest a Sump tank sometime down the road, but you got all the things you would need.
Another observation! Lack of Oxygen? I see that the lid is a plastic one that leaves only the back open. Get some Egg Crate from Home Depot or something and do something like this.

It looks good, but I just can't really see a huge issue. Maybe a better filter? I use the Fluval 206, that seems to work out well.

I would suggest a Sump tank sometime down the road, but you got all the things you would need.

Aquaclear 50 is pretty similar to yours. It does 200 gallons per hour. I rinse the sponge once a week when I do a water change.
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