Help with Medicine Cabinet

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 14, 2004
Chicago, IL
I am a newer saltwater enthusiast and don't have an extensive preventive medicine cabinet. What do I need? What are my options? What are your suggestions? Thanks for your help.

Best answer I'm afraid is a question: How well stocked is your LFS?

If meds can be purchased easily, I wouldn't bother pro actively buying anything. If their stock of items is not very good and you need to buy online, then I would suggest the basics. Copper, preferabley Cupramine with the corresponding multitest copper kit and either the ammonia alert badge or multitest copper kit and a general gram negative antibiotic like Maracyn II. You will need an appropriate amount of the antibiotic to treat a QT volume at twice the dose daily for seven days.

There are many other types that could be needed but they treat more specific problem and would normally be a complete waste of money otherwise. Personally I would suggest not getting anything if you have easy access.

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