hungry lawnmower blenny in QT

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 10, 2004
Sturbridge, MA
I've had a lawnmower blenny in QT for a week and a half with not-so-great water parameters.

I don't think he's eating any of the food I'm giving him, and I've tried 5 things.

He is however munching at the bare walls looking for something to eat.

Is there some other food I can try? I think once he's in the main tank he'll be fine, as there's lots more than bare glass and pvc to chomp on. I am tempted once again to move him to the main tank.

I used nori. Placed it on a clip and let it settle to the bottom. Took a few days, but eventually he started eating it. Also, you may want to give him a plastic plant. He will feel more comfortable with a good place to hide.
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