my tubo snails are dying and I need some help please.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 14, 2012
I think they need iodine cause there is nothing in there that would eat them. Can I use regular iodine or do I have to buy the iodine for saltwater? I'm not sure if there is a difference.
Do not add iodine to the tank. Do a water change and that will replace any lost trace elements. Don't ever add anything to the tank you haven't tested for and are sure you need.
We need more info.....what size tank and lighting? how much live rock, what size turbos and how long have you had the tank and turbos? a lot of times I read that if you have too many in a young tank without enough live rock or lighting to grow alage they can starve to death. I have 4 med approx. ping pong ball size zebra turbos in my 55 gal tank and occasionally I have to attach some seaweed salad to a rock with a rubber band to supplement.
Turbos are very sensitive to nitrate. They die
In my first tank that had elevated nitrates, I couldn't keep a turbo to save my life. Even in my current tank with 0 nitrates, turbos don't seem to have a long life. Turbans on the other hand are great and basically eat the same stuff. Except some red tip hermits like their shells.
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