New Royal Gramma Not doing so hot

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2003
New Jersey
Just got a new royal gramma from liveaquaria today. Before even putting it into my QT tank(during the acclimation period), it was on its side in the bag. I continued to scoop it up and add it to the QT tank with the other two clowns I got. It kinda swam upside down and sideways around the tank and picked a spot under the sponge filter and hung out upside down. The lights were off the whole time too to put less stress on it. This was around 6 or 8 hours ago. I just looked at it again and it is in the corner of the tank, right side up now, breathing very slowly but still alive. Do you think it just underwent extreme shock/stress during the trip here or it is something more. The two clowns (3/4" long each), are in the same tank and look great swimming all about, my water params are great too.

Any ideas besides just keeping an eye on it?
How long was it in transit? I would contact LiveAquaria right away and let them know what is going on. They are always more then helpful. They can document that it arrived in poor condition and it will help if it does end up dying.
yea i contacted liveaquaria as soon as i saw it ,have any other suggestions on what to do? i see no signs of ich or any other disease or fin rot. Do you think the clowns will be ok in the same tank with it?
I think the only thing you can do it wait. Give it time to see what happens. Hopefully it will start eating in a couple days. With no signs of disease or parasites I am sure it is stressed from the trip and the acclimation proceedure. Good luck
As of this morning I went down and turned on the light on the QT tank and about 10 minutes later the royal gramma was swimming( slowly still), but still swimming around the length of the tank. He still seems to be hiding behind the pvc pipe and sponge filter I have in there but I get the feeling that this fish likes to hide and hang out on the bottom? Is that a good assumption, I'm going to still keep an eye on him and try to feed tonight, but it does look like its improving.
Sometimes esp in transit during the winter months are very stressful. The cold might have got to him also. But sounds like he is getting better.
Royal grammas are pretty solid and he has a good chance of surviving. Just keep his water quality high and stable. You might want to keep the lights low till he turns. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
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