Quivering Clown?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 30, 2005
I have a mating pair of two fals percs in a 12 gal tank with a small peppermint shrimp and a hermit crab that is so small sometimes I lose him in the gravel. They're still babies (about 3/4" long) so they haven't reached a maturity in which they are male or female. Most of the time they tend to get along fairly well. They play together often, but sometimes if one touches the other, then it will go to a 45 degree angle and quiver for a second or two. Is this normal? If not, what can I do to help?

Also, they are still at an age where the food is difficult to give them. I'm not really sure what to do because if I give them the small pellets the fish store gave me, they may get one out of ten. If they do get that one sometimes they tend to spit it out, because it is too big. I also have flakes which I have crushed to try to help, but often they ignore the flakes. I feel like my fish aren't getting enough and my bowl is going to get really dirty really fast.

Any advice?

Thanks so much!
How long are your clowns? I just got some and they are around 3/4" long and I am having a similar problem trying to feed them, I tried smushing up frozen food so it was almost liquid and they still didnt seem to go for it.
They're probably about that size as well.
Its really frustrating because I'm not sure what to do.
The "shaking" is normal behavior. As far as food goes try frozen cyclopeeze. They will love it.
How much cyclopeeze should I feed them and how often?
It does not take much a 1/8" piece should be fine to start. See how fast they consume it and go from there. I would try every day until you get them eating then back off to every other day. Some LFS will beak up a bar and sell it in smaller portions. I have a bar and it is lasting for ever. You will never use up a whole bar in a normal size tank. If you can not find it you are not far away. Maybe I can get some to you.
I'm going to try to go to the local LFS and then see what happens. I may take you up on the offer if I can't get any around here. I live in a rural area.
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