shark not eating

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2004
i have a port jackson shark. he had a sore fin and was swimming a bit lope sided which i have been treating and now is much better. he was still eating fine but now he just holds his food in his mouth until eventually my blue tang steels it out of his mouth. he is no longer lope sided but just sits around and doesnt swim very much at all. any help would be much appreciated as he is my favorite and dont want to loose him
how big is your tank? I just looked them up and found out that they can get to be 5.5 feet (1.7 m) long. That seems quite large for the average aquarium.
I found this link that has a little more information on these sharks.

Best of luck to you, although I think your shark may be better suited to the wild or large professional aquariums.
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