Sick Angel; Never Seen Before

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 21, 2010
South FL
My Queen Angelfish was a monster two days ago. She ripped up seaweed, swam great, and had awesome coloration. We added a phosphate remover to deal with a red algae problem, and after three days we added the algae killer (two days ago). We tested for ammonia, and the results came about .5 mg/L. Did a 30% water change, and then we did another 30% water change. Turned the skimmer back on, and turned off the UV Sterilizer because we purchased a bacteria additive to break down ammonia.

All of the sudden yesterday, she just wasn't swimming right. She jerked her head left and right when she tried to move. Sometimes, she came up to the surface and did what looked like spitting water. Then she started to just sit on the bottom. Her gills are still flowing, her coloration is still good, and none of the other fish are bothering her. She never scratched. Is there some sort of internal parasite that can infect a fish in a day? Could it be a stroke or something? This is our favorite fish and we are willing to do anything to keep her.
U added so much stuff its hard to tell what's toxic and depending on the red slime remover u used it itherhas low disolved oxygen if u usedchemi pure or u killed yur bacteria colony and.u are going.through a cycle or.u simply oversized and poisoned the fish ...I would run carbon and do a massive water change then a 20% for the next 3 days to clean the system and monitor amonia levels
Thank you for the reply. We tested for ammonia again about 5 hours after we added the bacteria. Practically none. However, red pactches began to appear on her scales late morning. We snooped around and found out it was an ammonia burn (finally, a diagnosis). However, she is beginning to swim around the tank again; clumsily, but I still consider it a miracle. I figured adding more medicine/moving her to a QT would just add stress. She's not interested particularly in eating, but hopefully that comes with time.
Add garlic to her food to get her to eat u must have added a antibiotic to get rid of the cyno which killedyur Ben bacteria too creating amonia spike ....remeber in salt water water changes will fix most proublems
Yeah we added something like that, because the label said to change 20% of the water after. HA. We needed 60% just to get back to normal. The outbreak wasn't even that bad.

And I've never heard of adding garlic, I'll look into that.

*Actually, we have frozen Formula 2, if you know what that is. It contains a small dose of garlic, and I'll try feeding that to her instead of the sponge formula tonight.
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