Sick Tank? Intruders!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 30, 2004
Grandview, TN
:oops: My tank has been up for about 9 months now. Even when I first set it up, I noticed these tiny little, clear, gnat-looking "bugs" on the substrate (substrate was live and packed in water when purchased) At first, you would only see them from time to time. I had noticed that they were multiplying and now it seems as though they are taking over. They are only the size of a pin head. They are now all over the sides of the tank, the rocks, and the substrate. I recently lost all of my fish (thanks to severe storms taking out electricity for 3+ days) and it seems they have even multiplied since then. I now have 2 pepermint shrimp, in hopes they would munch on these things, 3 trochus snails, and 7 blue leg hermit crabs.

I believe these little pests are responsible for the death of 3 astro snails. I would like to know what they are and how to get rid of them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I coule be wrong, but i think those are just harmless pods. I too used a packaged lives sand, and got the same little bugs. They ate all my algae, then slowly declined in population till now they have all but disappeared ... but i think my clowns/longnose too care of them! I wouldn't worry too much (unless someone thinks otherwise!)
Thanks ambulocetus, I looked up pods and I think you are right. They haven't eaten my algea, or so it doesn't seem. I discovered that mandarinfishes and sand sifting gobies should take care of them. They are absolutely every where. Thanks for your help! :wink:
TnTangs said:
discovered that mandarinfishes and sand sifting gobies should take care of them. They are absolutely every where.
If you are thinking the pods need to be removed or the population controlled, don't. They are very beneficial detrivors and aid in keeping a system healthy. Aside from that, I would not suggest placing a dragonet in a 30 gal tank. Pods being the main food source, the fish would slowly starve in a few short months.

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