uh oh. ich?

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Sorry...just went back and re-read this. If you have an extra tank, why not QT your fish in there, leave your DT fallow for 6-8 weeks and then you are good moving forward? That really is your only reasonable option if you do not want to continue going through this.

As was stated in prior posts...Copper or Hyposalinity are the ONLY two things that cure Ich. The " medicine" you purchased will not work. The fact that the Ich came back, and probably worse than before, was almost a given.
alright guys...so my coral beauty today is covered in ich...also i see a little bit of fun rot..up until today he was doing good, very active and still eating...although he did eat today hes not very active and a few times i seen him a little sideways..without a qt i don't think he will make it..my question to you guys is this..should i just cut my losses and put him in a cup of tank water or something till he does? all my other fish are not visually affected and i wish to keep it that way...what should i do? my LFS told me he would be ok in my tank and i now realized it's way to small which is probably what stressed him out...so? please let me know guys.

In this case it might be best to do a fresh water dip. It's stressful to the fish but its a lot less stressful than dying to ich. I did that when my clowns were getting ich really bad and they were back to acting normally within a few hours

It won't cure it but enough of the parasites will drop off that it could save the fish.
+1 to the dip, but you still need to treat the fish. The dip just gives it some relief and hopefully buys some time. Make sure you read up on doing dips too. It is stressful enough when done properly. If done incorrectly, you can kill the fish
I tried..I can't catch her for a freshwater dip..Lol I'll try again today now that she's not as active
Hi can someone tell me best way to check salinity as I have two different refractometers, I'm doing hypo at min and don't know if reads are true as my good one don't have reading down to zero so bought one that does and it's different most of the time. What I was thinking if I set my good one up so zero is on the bottom line with reading on think it's .015 lowest reading and count the results would that work. Thanks
i use a hydometer so im not sure..but im gonna set up a 5 or 10 gallon today or tomorro. you guys are right it'll be good to have for the future as well.
i use a hydometer so im not sure..but im gonna set up a 5 or 10 gallon today or tomorro. you guys are right it'll be good to have for the future as well.

You can't use a hydrometer for hypo there not accurate enough you need a refractometer
Sorry but was in rush, both have been calibrated and I test them with dt water and are the same but the new one reads different nearly every time I test water on qt. my good one only reads down to .015 so can't get a reading of .009 for hypo so was thinking if I calibrated it so .015 was zero and count up ways to what should be .009 would that work.
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