Xenia looking horrible!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 29, 2008
Detroit Area
I took my parameters and everything is fine. It looks like the tissiue is flaking away. It is very deflated and it has white patches where the flaking away is taking place. I can't put up a pic from my iPhone (where this post is from) so I'll try to get one later.

well i did a pwc today to try to help, i dont know if it did or not but hey its worth a shot. the white patches are still getting bigger the stalks are completely limp and it looks like it could diminish away to nothing at any time but its still hanging in there. the polyps dont open very much at all but the ones that are slightly open still pulse a little. well ill wish for the best!
Watch your ammonia and nitrates. And keep ready made SW handy at all times. If this is how its dying, I'd make sure the ammonia is in check. Mine crashed in a different way than yours is acting, so I dunno what is going on w/yours. My ammoinia went up and inverts died. Mine turned kinda black on the inside when it crashed.

Good luck and watch the water readings.
yeah, i did the tests and everything came out fine, no ammonia, no nitrites, about 20 nitrates, ph was like 8.1, alk was the usual 4 or 5, everything was fine but then boom, its dieing, and it couldnt be just the one specific colony cuz i have a single stalk on one side of the tank and a few stalks on the other side and they are both looking really bad.
Ya know you're at the high end of acceptable nitrate readings? Maybe xenia doesn't like 'trates. Even still, it's one of those mystery corals IMO. Some tanks it loves, some it doesn't.
yeah it never really took off in mine. maybe my dang urchin nocked something over (as it always does) on it causing some dammage and the nitrates are contributing. but im sure the nitrates are lower now.
xenia sometimes crash from low iodine levels. When i had xenia i does iodine at the rate of 1 drop per 5 gallons of tank water volume twice a week and my xenia stayed healthy when i stopped dosing they crashed.
I don't dose anything. I get my trace elements from my salt. I use reef crystals. I don't know if rc's are any good or not but it seems to be doing a good job but I don't really know?
well the other day the tank did really bad. my clam fell on my torch, my blasto fell on the xenia which made the tank all orangeish from the xenia which when i picked the blasto up off of it broke up and floated/flaked/melted away.
There is a chance it will rise again, its really hard stuff to get rid of. Someone i know was trying to manually remove all of theirs and accidentally dropped a couple stalks into a korallia which shredded it and sent it all over the tank, weeks later he found a ton of little pieces springing up from everywhere.
Find a local reef club or someone near you, most people who have a decent sized tank with xenia in it have to trim it back and throw it away every couple weeks. Im sure they would be willing to donate you some.
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