Bettas with Columnaris.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 20, 2013
Hello all. I've been treating my bettas for Columnaris for a few weeks now. Here's the problem: It keeps coming back! >_<
I'm an experienced fishkeeper. I've been keeping fish on and off (mostly on) for 10+ years. They have the standard fin rot and puffy white lesions on the fins and scales. I did two treatments with maracyn 2 and it subsided. For a few days. When it started to come back I went for Tetra's Fungus Guard. If you're not familiar with it, it's an antibiotic, despite the name: It has the same active ingredients as Furan-2. I did two treatments before I went on vacation. (they were being fed and watched by my pet/housesitter). Upon my return, I noticed they still had symptoms, so I did a 50 percent water change and dosed AGAIN with the Fungus Guard. I'm at the end of this treatment regimen and it's back with avengeance. The antibiotics must be doing something, because the fish have had symptoms for a few weeks and none of them have died. That said, this bug seems to be shrugging it off like a bad hangover. I'm at a loss as to what to do. I can't get kanamycin at petco, petsmart or my lfs. They don't stock it. I ordered it online a few days ago, but it's not here yet. I'm at a total loss as to what to do. They're covered in these pale lesions now. Here's a rundown of the setup:

6 gallon tank with 4 bettas. (Yes, I know it's a little overstocked.) The male is coming out once they've recovered. Water quality is trash because the carbon is out and I'm guessing the antibiotics are wreaking havoc on the biofilter. I'm compensating by doing frequent water changes and adding Prime to deal with the nitrites and ammonia. Also supplementing with bacteria cycle cultures, for whatever good that does. Anyone have any advice for this one? I'm used to dealing with Ich and related parasites in both marine and freshwater. I've always assumed bacteria would be easier to deal with: a few doses of antibiotics and you fix the problem. I'm learning the hard way that this is not the case. At least not with columnaris. How do you knock this bug out?
Thanks! :fish2:

~ Tim
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