Bloated Ram??

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 19, 2003
Roxboro, N.C.
Was wondering could anyone here tell me what my ram is suffering from. Firstly let me say he is eating normally and swims around regularly. It is a male. What is wrong with him is his appearance. He is really bloated in the body area and if you look at him from a top view, his scales are sticking up. What is he suffering from and how can I cure it if possible?


Sounds like Dropsy to me. It is an infection which shuts down the fish's ability to expel waste liquids from its body. Cure rates are hit and miss. I recently lost a female Ram to the same thing; she ate normally until the end, but her symptoms never improved. You can try Melafix, but I know of no known guaranteed cure. I hope everything works out.
I'll confirm Dropsy. I've used Maracyn-Two with the best results. I've saved one and lost 3 to dropsy. Tough to combat. I wish you the best of luck.
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