Fish out of water?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, CA
So today after work I'm looking at my 46g taking head count which is easy because there's only 5 fish & I'm not seeing one of my CAE's. Not a big deal, they tend to hide but after a few hours he still hasn't made an appearance. I decide to check my decorations for a dead fish. I remove the items that a fish could hide in & still no CAE. As I take them out I look inside each one then set it on the table, I look through the entire aquarium for any sign of him dead or alive. Turn off the filter & check inside it still nothing. I go back to the deco's shake them & finally see something, he falls out onto the table & I see his gills are still moving, I put him back in the aquarium & he swims off. Do you think he'll make it? How long can a fish be out out of water? It was a good 5 minutes before I found him & got him back in the tank.
Andrew McFadden said:
It will be fine or should be imo

Thank you. I just checked the tank & he's suckered himself on the glass so I'd say that's a positive. :)
My featherfin catfish did this to me once. I pulled the decos, searched the tank, no catfish. My decos were out of the water AT LEAST 20 minutes, maybe more. So I go to put them back after no sign of him, one hits the water and out he swims! Amazing.
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