Guppy ran away...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 14, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
So, for an entire day, I was looking for a guppy I had put in my new 8 gallon tank. I found him this morning, under a door, in the bathroom down the hall. He must have jumped out, and flipped and flopped over 8 feet to the bathroom door!!! Holy crap!

I've never EVER had a guppy jump out of a tank. on top of that, there's only a 1cm Gap around the edge of the tank - Its impressive that he even fit.

What would cause a fish to jump?!
Do you have a cat

That seems very likely but it could happen I once had a crayfish that got to the basement from the second floor!:eek: Do you have a cat or dog that could have moved the fish down the hall?
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