Help for a mollie with swim bladder?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 19, 2014
We have a mollie with what I am sure is swim bladder. It all started about a month ago. My daughter found some advice on what to do online and we isolated her and she gave her reduced feeds. After a few days she seemed better and swimming normally so she was released back into the tank and was good for a couple of weeks. Now it's back but worse :-(
She is always on the bottom now instead of top like she was the last time and she has a curved spine and her tail fin seems like flat. Like it doesn't fan anymore.
I researched it again last night and found out she probably now has a bacterial infection.
I went to fish store today and after speaking with the person working there I think I got the stuff I need. He gave me a solution of something that will treat bacterial and fungal infections.
I have put the fish in the isolation tank. I've put the solution in the whole tank. I don't know if I have to stop feeding the poorly fish then feed her pea skins?
The solution is a 4 day course and today is day 1. If there is going to be an improvement when would I expect to see that?
I really hate seeing the mollie like this :-( I just want her to get better.
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