Ich Medicine. Help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2008
Where ever the flow go
Ok so the heat treatment wasn't really doing very well with my ram or me, so I had my dad go out today and buy some liquid ich medicine.

It says it's for scaleless fish like catfish and loachs ect. Will it still work for my ram?

Please reply quickly.
No personal experience but from the medicinal ingredients listed it should be ok. I stress I have never tried it. How long have you had the heat treatment going?
No personal experience but from the medicinal ingredients listed it should be ok. I stress I have never tried it. How long have you had the heat treatment going?

I've had it going for 4 days then it looked liek it was going away but then the ram started acting weird, like laying on the bottom and then just lke stuck in the corner, so I put him in a breeder trap that I used for my mollies and made it bigger so he can not be stressed out about the other fish coming up to him.
Do you have extra aeration in the tank? It could be lack of oxygen. 4 days will not usually do much in way or results.
Yes I put aeration in the tank, it seems like it is getting better but hopefully this medicine will quickly cure it for me. In the process of the heat thing I like 2 ottos and 2 red-eyed tetras. So I want to stay away from it.
Nothing will cure it quickly it takes patience without heat the ich will have a slower life cycle so your meds will take even longer to kill it. Your GBR is stressed by the disiease, and showing signs. I am sure the medication will work. But heat is far more natural then chemicals. "the natural habitat of M. ramirezi occurs in the warm, (25.5-29.5 ºC, 78-85 ºF), acidic (pH 5) water courses in the llanos savannahs of Venezuela and Colombia" M. Ramirezi is the scientific name for your GBR as you can see 86F water is not very far beyond thier normal temperatures. I prefer heat to meds. Dont get me wrong meds will work, just not as safe IMO. And your breeder trap may stress him out more, GBR like to have places to hide. like i said IMO and trust me my opinion is not the best, in fact my wife says it doesnt count at all. LOL
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