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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 2, 2011
I found this site to be very helpful. Wondering if anyone has had success treating this disease and if this treatment method would be ok to use.

TREATMENT (and more importantly; stopping the spread of this disease):

A medicated bath with Methylene Blue is the first step. To prepare this bath I use 1 teaspoon 2.303% solution per 5 gallons (double dose recommended on most Methylene Blue Remedies) in a bath of aquarium water from the tank the fish you wish to treat came from, I usually use about a ½ gallon of water, however you may use less.
Measurement of the Methylene Blue does not need to be too precise as this bath should only be used for about 30 minutes and Methylene Blue is safely overdosed (for fish in baths, dips, or bare hospital tank, however overdosing in established aquariums can kill beneficial nitrifying bacteria). This bath’s effectiveness is improved further by the addition of salt (at 1 teaspoon per gallon) and Metronidazole at double the normal tank dose

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