Sick Fish and Well Planted Tanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2003
Ack. I think one of my tetras is sick; either neon tetra disease or false neon tetra disease (he's losing his red stripe and is becoming very pale - the other neons are in full color). No changes in behavior or eating, but I want to isolate him just in case. Here's my prob tho: he's in a well planted tank with LOTS of places to run to. How the heck do I net him without tearing up the plants?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
What you could do is place some food into a net and wait for him to swim into it. I have in the past and sometimes it works.
If he is still eating he will sence where the food is a go for it, you need patience and a steady hand.
Feh. LOL I tried that. The gouramis got to it before the neons even got near. Bastards. I also tried using 2 nets to sorta corral him, but there are so many damn plants in there that he zips between em and I wind up just having to FIND him again. If I don't get him out by tonite, I'm going to have to treat the entire tank *cries*

Btw, love the signature ;)
Best of luck Allivymar! I was playing catch the fish last night as well.... I was sucessful with two nets....
I'm gonna need it webmoose LOL its been 2 1/2 days of trying to catch this lil bugger. I'm going to do a big water change tonite; maybe the lower water levels will reduce the amount of space he can hide in *sigh*

Btw, how did you manage to catch your guy? Is your tank also well planted?
Ugh, trying to check the gills of my goldies was a chore, sure they cant hide but you have to remember its a thrashing slime covered wet fish that doesn't want you poking and prodding it.

Needless to say it took some time.
Probably too little, too late, but one thing that helped me was a larger net. My Eclipse 12 tank is a BEAR to chase fish in because it has a support bar that runs from the back to the front, so you can only chase around half the tank at a time.

I found that a larger net made it a little easier because when you zero in on them, they have to swim further to get around it.

Of course, that tank isn't planted, and it would be harder to maneuver around plants with a bigger net. The fish in my planted tank always seem to want to hide in the corner behind my amazon sword so that plant has taken a bit of abuse. :)
Good thinking Madame_X, get a bigger net and just place it in the aquarium, and then use the smaller net to entice the little fellow in to it. The bigger the net the better.
Heh I think thats part of the prob; both my nets are pretty big compared to the fish. I can't really maneuver them thru the tank without getting all caught up in the plants. Gonna stop off at Petsmart today and get a small net and see if it helps. I REALLY do not want to treat the main tank.

I grabbed a quick pic; its not one of my best, but you can see the color dfference between the sick one and the others. Funny enough, except for the color changes, theres not a lot else to go on. Fins are all erect, he schools most of the time with the others and not breating heavy or moving strangely. Not sure if he's eating; kinda hard to tell with all the plants.
Try to do it an night. You need a small flashlight and do not point it at the net, find the fish with it. They do not see green net when it is dark. Worked for me.
ya the smaller net is a good idea.. I did end up catching my pal and took him for his road trip to the local fish store... the plants were a real problem I just encouraged him to go towards the glass and rounded him/her up that way.. two nets to herd and once I got him/her by the glass i was able to catch it... I did actually turn off all the light except the one in the actual tank.

I did a big water change; when the level was low I took the new net (I got a brine shrimp one - was the smallest they had) and went after the poor lil bugger. He's sitting in the QT with Maracyn and MaracynII added and we'll see how it goes *fingers crossed*
ya! congrats... best of luck with him... all my cardinals and neons have all their fins crossed for ya.....
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