Sick Irridescent Shark

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 29, 2003
Andover, MA
I have an iridescent shark which seems to have problems. It has a white patch on the top of it's head. I can't tell if this is an infection or bite mark. It looks like it is an indentation in the skin of the fish. It seemed to get better for a bit but is now prominent again. The fins of the shark seem a little ragged as well. The shark seems to swim around normally

There are other fish in the tank that are not exhibiting any of these characteristics. Although I have a Rainbow shark in the tank which seems to chase all the fish around the tank all the time. He could be the culprit :)

I have read about Ichthyophthirius (White Spot) and Hexamita, just in case it is something bacterial, I have started treating him with anti-biotics.

How can I tell if the white mark is bacterial or a bite?

There is a chance it might be columnaris; also known as mouth fungus. Some symptoms include white patches and fin rot. Its not actually a fungus, but a infection caused by the flexibacter bacteria. Obviously there is no guarantee this is the prob, but an off the cuff guess. What antibiotics are you using? If it is flex/columnaris, tetracycline, maracyn & maracyn 2, and kanacyn are usually recommended. Flex is the most common bacterial infection in fish tanks.

Another important question is what are your water parameters? Ammonia/nitrites/nitrates? Good water quality is key to treating disease of any sort.

And yeah, I doubt its Ich. Symptoms are spots kinda like salt, not a patch of white. Doesn't sound like Hex either.
i have a VERY similar problem. I have a 5 inch needlefish with white patches on his snout. I thought that he probably contracted it from a feeder or something. I treated him with both anti parasitic and anti fungal medications, and it helped a little. It hasn't gotted worse, but he hasn't gotten much better. Just white patches... no fuzz or anything, no necrotic tissue, just white patches on his mouth. His fins were starting to get ragged, but are fine now. I loooked into the columnaris/mouth fungus a while ago, and i really doubt thats what it is... poor fishy. we'll see.
The antibiotics I am using are Kanacyn. I was adviced to take the shark 'Brian' out of the tank and place him in a bucket of tank water and a capsule of Kanacyn. I was told to leave him in there for 2 hours a day for 5 days. So far I have done it for 3 days.

I have been cleaning and changing the water more regularly since noticing the problem with Brian, in an attempt to eradicate any problem that might be in the tank.

as for the water parameters, I have not had them tested in 2 months, but plan to within the next few days.

All other fish in the tank are fine and exhibiting no such symptoms.
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