Strange red rash

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 11, 2003
Princeton NJ
I have been having a LOT of problems keeping my current fish healthy. I have a thirty gallon tank with four neon tetras, three guppies, two swordtails and an algae eater. In the past two weeks they have had a fungal infection (white, fluffy growths) that claimed the pectoral fin of my female swordtail and a major ich infection. I treated both and within four to six days all had recovered fully with the exception of the lost fin. Then one of the guppies stopped eating and eventually lost control of her equilibrium. She could only swim with her head pointed straight down. Her scales became raised from her body and then a sore developed behind her gill area on one side of her body. She died two days later. One of the other guppies now appears to be developing this but is still eating.

But here is the really puzzling thing, over the course of today, my last guppy has developed a red coloration on her side and it is spreading to the other. It looks as if blood vessels all along the outside of her body have been broken by being beaten up.

Any help or advice that you can give on what is causing this and what I can do to fix it would be much appreciated. I've been doing water changes of 5-7 gallons every 3-4 days during this illness and the water levels of pH, temperature, Ammonia and nitrates are all fine. I checked them within the last 24 hrs.
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