Treating neon tetra fin rot with API T.C. Tetracycline?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 8, 2012
Okay so I just bought this fin rot treatment called API T.C. Tetracyline for my neon tetra that is suffering from fin rot. I was wondering do you think I should just stick to daily 30% water changes and hope that it cures my tetra's fin rot? Or should I separate the sick tetra from the others and treat it with the Tetracyline? Because I'm kind of worried the tetra might die if I separate it from the others. On top of that apparently this fin rot medication does some sketchy stuff like makes the water red, creates foam and kills healthy bacteria.
Is it fin rot or was it injured by another fish? is this a new tank? is it cycled? What are the parameters (ammonia, etc)? FIn rot is usually a symptom of bad water. I'd try to do daily water changes, keep the water very clean, maybe add some stress coat and a dose of aquarium salt if your other fish can tolerate it (soem scale-less fish like corys, plecos, etc dont' like salt; neither do inverts like snails). Can you post a pic? Also I'd test your water to see what's going on.
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