Urgent Help Needed for Very Sick Fish!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 9, 2013
Hi again. I will try to summarize the past two-three months of sick betta struggles quickly and succinctly here.

Just in case:
First post - EMERGENCY! Tank is dying, and fast!
Second post - Urgent Jungle Fungus Clear Question!

[Pardon my linking to another site.]


Galileo is incredibly sick. It started on his birthday in July, when we introduced three otocinclus catfish and a snail. As of today, we have had him for about a year and three months.

We thought he had fin rot, likely from ammonia burn, and then developed saprolegnia/columnaris. I was leaning towards saprolegnia, as he had a cottony growth out of one of his gills, but that only happened once and has yet to resurface.

He is currently isolated in a 1 gallon tank for a month now with an oxygen pump and nothing else. We have a heater on around 82. We give him 100% water changes daily, using 1/2tsp aquarium salts, Stress Coat, and Stress Zyme to treat him. We have also treated him with a full cycle of Jungle Fungus Clear [started 10/15, ended about a week later], Maracyn 2 [used for about two weeks], and Maracyn 1 [used for less than a week]. Jungle Fungus Clear and Maracyn 1 were properly used, with the right proportions for his tank. Maracyn 2 may have been overdosed, but it has been out of his system for a long while now, as we stopped all medicine over a week ago, and started only using water changes. We tried to stress him out less by removing the oxygen pump, but he started swimming quickly to the surface, gulping, then falling to the bottom of the tank every five minutes or so, so we put it back in.

He does not move, he just lies there on his side. He IS eating, some days more enthusiastically than others. He has good days and bad days. Today is a bad day: incredibly lethargic, just came home to him with white stuff on him [that fell off when we moved him].

There are before and after photos of him here:
Urgent Jungle Fungus Clear Question! - Page 2
He has NOT improved since these photos, and may look worse now [especially around one of his gills.]

We need any advice possible. This is so distressing, as we're doing everything we know to do to help him and he isn't improving. A million thanks in advance.
Hey, that's one unlucky poor fish. All I can think of is to temperature match the water change in case that is stressing him out (just in case not thought of). I've had platys (think it should be mollies) get a fungal infection after a water change (which I can only assume was colder than I thought). Best of luck with it.
He looks rather thin, he may have intestinal worms, or similar internal parasite, I treat my fish yearly for internal parasites because I can't see what's going on inside. Much like worming your dog. I lost my second bichir to worms, I'm still gutted about that and it was years ago.
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