white fuzzy stuff

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 27, 2004
Lancaster, Pa
There is white fuzzy felt like looking stuff growing on the forehead area of my red minor tetra. Anyone know what this is and how i should treat for it? it covers very little area but is still there and noticeable. thanks
I does sound fungal, but to be honest you would probably have a better chance of hitting the weekly lottery than getting a fungal infection. So, I would assume bacterial. Be careful not to treat with any copper based mediacations or with malechite green during a bacterial infection.
Actually, from what you are describing, I would suggest you be extremely patient and watch your fish very carefully. Only medicate as a very very last option. Perhaps feed medicated flake. If everything is healthy, I bet this runs its course and goes away on its own. If you have a quarintine tank, then isolating this fish would be a great idea.

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