Id please?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 1, 2014
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418756045.958263.jpg

Bought this frag thinking it was a green star. It arrived all closed up, but now that is has finally opened, it's not so much green. Different species?

30g cube
Pair of Flurry Clowns
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418771614.650750.jpg

Not sure what either of these are, also. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1418771656.142262.jpg

30g cube
Pair of Flurry Clowns
Picasso clown
Pair of nearly naked clowns
Wide-bar clown.
Those are def star polyps. There are other colors, but you'll see if they color up as they adjust to things.
The next is a montipora, which is also browned out followed by a scroll coral.
What do you mean by 'browned out'?

30g cube
Pair of Flurry Clowns
Picasso clown
Pair of nearly naked clowns
Wide-bar clown.
Loosing there color and turning brown. Most commonly caused by insufficient lighting or excess nutrients.

On another note, do you really have 6 clowns in a 30g cube?

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I do. They are all very small. Originally started with the four, but was given a pair of Flurry's. Didn't know what to do with them. So till I get a FOWLR tank set up, they are in there for now.

30g cube
Pair of Flurry Clowns
Picasso clown
Pair of nearly naked clowns
Wide-bar clown.
Is the coral dying? I just added a Refugium to help with those nutrient issues.

30g cube
Pair of Flurry Clowns
Picasso clown
Pair of nearly naked clowns
Wide-bar clown.
Not dying just not very colorful. A lot of stuff looks brown. What are your trates/phosphates and lighting?

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Nitrates are between 5-10. Phosphates are at .02 or so.

30g cube
Pair of Flurry Clowns
Picasso clown
Pair of nearly naked clowns
Wide-bar clown.
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