What is this?...and how do I keep it alive?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 22, 2004
British Columbia
Blue Stuff... not soft, quite brittle to the touch. (sponge?/coral?)

1) Does it like/need light?
2) Does it need feeding of any kind?
3) Does it like/need current?
Sponge for sure.

Light - probably not, though some sponges do require high lighting - most don't.

Filter feeder -- will absorb bacteria & DOC's from the water.

Tons of current.

doubled in size?

If yours looks similar and seems to be doing well, where in the tank is it situated? Does it get direct light? Strong current? I would like to keep it going as the blue color is very different than most things.
I have one of those on my pieces of lr that I bought but mine is harened by the lr so its dea, it ha s veins in it, its really interesting.
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