What type of algae is this?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 22, 2018
This algae is growing over all of my rocks and i have no idea what type i️t is?? IMG_1519590427.979792.jpg
IMG_1519689475.698134.jpgIMG_1519689499.175257.jpgIMG_1519689517.102860.jpg Here are some more photos, it’s a light brown algae covering basically every spot on the rocks and it’s growing over all the corals... Any ideas on a possible id and a solution?
I had this on my rock recently also. Can it be removed with a toothbrush? My LFS said it is a nuisance sponge and the experts on here agreed. Both said it will not hurt anything but looks bad. I can imagine it will start hurting coral if it over takes them but never let it go that far in my tank. I scrubbed it off a few times and haven't seen it since
Yeah why not. It will make your stuff look better. Let me know how it turns out
Yeah why not. It will make your stuff look better. Let me know how it turns out

Update, i got home and scrubbed every bit of rock i could with a toothbrush, starting to think i️t is calothrix after doing some research.
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